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Learning to play,
Playing to learn

"In this short time, our son has gone from not knowing anything about the piano or music, to learning how to play pieces on the piano, understanding technique and theory, as well as having an appreciation for the piano and music."
.Lilia M
"Ewa has definitely helped me with my technique and skills, but has also helped me find who I am as a piano player and has helped me develop confidence on the way. She has helped me pass a major part of my grade 10 exam and with no doubt will lead me to fully finish grade 10 with flying colours."
Michelle K.
Learn To Play Piano In Abbotsford
Looking for private
piano lessons in Abbotsford?
Learn piano with
professional teacher
at teacher's studio or online.

Piano teacher in Abbotsford, BC
Piano teacher and her students during awards ceremony.

Beginner piano lesson in Abbotsford
Young boy playing grand piano during private piano lesson.

Girl playing piano.

Piano teacher in Abbotsford, BC
Piano teacher and her students during awards ceremony.
Ewa Telega - Piano Teacher and Performer - wants to hear from you !
Fall Special:
First lesson free this month - CALL NOW !!!
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